Leadership Blount County began in 1990 as a community leadership enhancement and development program designed to strengthen our community by educating and inspiring current and emerging leaders to engage in active, lifelong service.
The first board of directors included: Bill Adams, Bobbie Carpenter, Pete Carter, Mike Davis, Roswell Evans, Al Grubb, Terry Igoe, Dan Lawson, Sara Pope, Bill Profitt, Charlie Roach, and Dean Stone. Leadership Blount was originally funded by the Blount County Chamber of Commerce and the United Way of Blount County.
A volunteer Board of Directors and an Executive Director oversee the selection of class members, development of curriculum, and administration of the program with the assistance of dedicated alumni serving on standing and special committees. It is designated by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) organization.
Today, Leadership Blount County continues to strengthen our community by educating and inspiring current and emerging leaders to engage in active, lifelong service. The organization now has over 900 Leadership Blount alumni and three programs – the core Leadership Blount program, Discover Blount, and a Leadership Roundtable.
Leadership Blount’s flagship program will deliver a dynamic, issue-driven curriculum to further tackle the issues in our county. Class members will have a direct connection to community leaders and direct impact on our community. Representing a broad cross section of emerging and current leaders, class members will focus on Blount County’s most critical issues.
Each year, the board of directors will nominate ten alumni who reflect our core values to serve on the Leadership Roundtable. They will meet quarterly with local elected officials and other key community leaders to examine current issues facing our community as well as offering foresight and vision for our future.
In collaboration with community partners, Discover Blount is an introduction to Blount County showcasing our area. The program will introduce participants to resources in our county and identify opportunities to become more involved.
Jeannette Beaverson, '20, Board Chair
Massey Group
Karen Hobby '22- At Large
Blount Memorial
Amy Brock '16
Denso Manufacturing Inc.
Rick Hudolin '19
Jaina Castro '21
Clayton Homes
Kathy Johnson '22
David Conner, '05, Treasurer/ Vice Chair
Bruce Kerr '16,
Blount Partnership
Caitlin Darras, '21
Metropolitan Knoxville Airport Authority
Trey Klatt '21
Beehive Industries
Bill Drake '96
Community Volunteer
Nichole McCord '12
Blount County Schools
Kelly Forster '10, Secretary
Blount County Parks & Recreation
Lisa Simmons'19
TN Air National Guard
Jessica Hahn '20- Special Events
Blount Partnership
Clint Woodfin '10
Spicer Rudstrum PLLC
Pete Carter ‘91
Executive Director
Jackie Eul
Assistant Director